
Youtube camelot unchained
Youtube camelot unchained

youtube camelot unchained

Essentially this area is missing some of the final polish but allows folks to go through it and collect some of the achievements. So all of the achievement hunters are currently slavering over a playable “test” of the third world. I believe this is in part because all of Super Adventure Box was essentially a passion project of one of the devs, and when they left the company so left the motivation to keep making Super Adventure Box levels. Now this is where we get into the long history of Guild Wars 2, because apparently as I understand it… there was a third world teased at one point but never actually delivered. This is essentially a one-time purchase and is only available during the Super Adventure Festival. Essentially when you hit the game over screen, in lieu of inserting a continue coin… you can use your infinite continue coin which will then give you 99 lives to explore the level making the whole process way less tedious. Since I was already making a purchase, I decided to pick up the Super Adventure Pack which includes a convenience item called the Infinite Continue Coin. They can then be purchased with baubles or I believe found in chests spread throughout the levels. Super Adventure Box requires a continue coin in order to play, and at the beginning of the festival, you are given five of these. It uses a Zelda-like mechanic where you keep having to purchase larger wallets in order to hold more Baubles through each trip into the zones. There are a number of achievements for you to get like finding green and red baubles and a whole slew of items available for purchase through Bauble Bubbles which you can purchase for every 250 baubles collected in the levels.


Essentially you work your way through a series of challenges in a Mario-esc 1-1, 1-2 etc sequence. I’ve talked about it before in the past and even have some screenshots of the world. This was so beloved by the player base that it ultimate became a permanent event coming back each year for a week or so around the beginning of April. For anyone who has no clue what I am talking about, the Super Adventure Box is this weird original one-off April Fool’s event where players could run around in a vaguely Super Mario 64 inspired map.

Youtube camelot unchained